The International Institute for IP Management (I3PM) is the hallmark of professional associations for the quality in IP management, recognized internationally for its excellence as a supportive professional network with high standards and an emphasis on quality assurance in IP management as defined in the ISO 56005 and DIN 77006 standards. I3PM stands for quality standards in IP management.
We are a neutral body that supports the implementation of quality and standards of IP management.
For companies, those standards provide important guidelines for designing effective processes and assigning tasks for IP management. A coherent IP strategy and the consistent consideration and mapping of the relevant IP processes in accordance with the standards lead to improved productivity, error prevention and an increased level of legal certainty.
It allows companies to proactively develop their IP portfolio and avoid liability cases. By implementing the standards, companies are enabled to integrate intellectual property holistically and systematically into the existing management system processes of its organization.
I3PM gathers managers from diverse international corporations and organisations, forming a unique experience pool in the standard compliant management and realisation of value from immaterial assets. It is your inclusive and empowering community of international IP managers. We offer our members exclusive access to premium IP education, a strong and engaged professional network and high-level services and events.
A committee gathers members of I3PM who are interested in specific topics. A committee is headed by committee chair(s) who are nominated by the Board. Committee chairs will work directly with its members to set up meetings to define industry relevant IP management topics and the committee’s objectives and share their learnings with the rest of I3PM and the public. I3PM members can choose to join one or one or more committees of their choice. They can simply contact the committee chairs to express this interest.
Committee for Quality in IP Management
Designated Committee Chairs
The committee chairs supervise the committee work to identify topics, problem areas, and tasks to be solved in the committee’s area of practical IP management. They coordinate the further development of tasks and solution approaches of IP management and enlarge and intensify the awareness for IP management topics.